Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste 2: Cu puțin noroc


Csikszereda, Romania, 530100


Dates and Hours:

Thursday, 26th September 2024
19:00 - 20:45


Comedy, Romania, directed by Cătălin Bugean, 2024

97 minutes, AP-12

What would you do if you woke up in Dacia in the year 85? That's the question posed by the three protagonists—Zăpadă, Ceai, and Dragoste—who discover a way to travel through time while attempting to escape from prison. The trio faces incredible challenges as they must find a way back to the present while also surviving the conflicts and temptations of that era. War is raging, emperors are thirsty for battle and wealth, and time is running out for both the past and the present for those left behind to "collect." What happens if the matcha tea works? Can a small snowflake overturn a large snowball? In Latin, "Love" is amor, or is it "Ah, death!"? Only if they had a little Luck on their side... (cinemagia.ro)
