Balloon Holiday

Balloon Holiday


Farcàd, Romania


Dates and Hours:

Wednesday, 22nd May 2024 - Tuesday, 31st December 2024
15:00 - 11:00


This package includes two nights' accommodation with breakfast, a hot air balloon flight for two and little surprises. The duration of the flight depends very much on the area and weather conditions and varies between 30 minutes and 1:30 hours. Passengers will experience the slow flight, which gives you a very pleasant feeling. We will fly slowly with the wind speed at different heights from where you can admire the wonderful landscape. We wave to the people below us and tear leaves from the treetops.

Accommodation will take place at Horizont Pension and Apartments in Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely depending on availability or in the house where you start the program.

The flight will only take place in optimal weather conditions. Light wind or no wind, no precipitation and fog. Appointments must be made at least 7 days in advance. Flight planning is done 1-2 days before the requested date.

  • DURATION: 2 nights, 3 days
  • INCLUDED: Hot air balloon flight for 2 persons, 2 nights accommodation with breakfast.
  • VALID: One year from date of purchase.
  • IMPORTANT: Advance booking required!
    • +40740680632