Salt Hill Nature Reserve
Natural reserve
The Salt Mountain from Praid is one of the most interesting attractions of Transylvania. This geological reserve, which covers 66 ha of land, lies on the south-western part of Praid bath resort, at 576 meters above sea level.
The shape of mountains that we see today is the result of the eroding activity of the Corund brooks combined with human activity as well. Here, along the Corund brooks valley we find the salt gorge, with formations similar to those of limestone. We can find salt dolines, salt caves, salt-cliffs, water run-offs, all these forming the protected area.
Because of the Corund brook crossing over the salt mountain, the white salt cliff laces and the steep walls were created resulting in a unique landscape, very interesting to visit. Here we can still find the remainings of the former Elisabeth exploiting tunnel lines, along which several very interesting salt formations, salt caves and muddy flows occurred.
The Salt Mountain is said to have 3 km in depth and has an elliptic shape, its diameters being 1.2-1.4 km long, and its vertical extension gives a mushroom shape to the mountain.
Text and photo source: http://www.greenharghita.ro