Piemontul Nyíres from Borzont

Piemontul Nyíres from Borzont


Borzont 537131, Romania


This 20 ha of protected area is located near DN13B, just Noth-West of Borzont. The thickness of the peat decreases towards the foot of the mountain.

Some of its main protected rare plant species are the Achillea impatiens (a species from the tundra regions), Spirea salicifolia and the Pedicularis sceptrumcarolinum, the Ligularia sibirica and the large pink (Dianthus superbus) and the dwarf birch (Betula humilis). Among the praying birds we can mention the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), the common buzzard (Buteo buteo) and the hen harrier (Circus cyaneus).

Text and photo source: http://www.greenharghita.ro

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