Boldizsár/Madonna/Horia spring (Spring 3) Borsec
Mineral waters
It is an old, well-known spring, also known as Boldizsár or Madonna or Horia Spring, or No. 3 Spring.
The flow of the spring is 6,600 l / day, the water is carbonated, bicarbonate, mixed and contains: calcium, magnesium, sodium.
Therapeutic indications: hyperacid gastritis, mild constipation, kidney and liver stones.
It is next to 7 Springs Boulevard.
Short history:
The first chemical analysis was conducted by Dr. Than Károly in 1889. The capacity of the spring was 3942,000 liters per year.
The water temperature is between 8.2-10 ° C.
The water of this spring was bottled at the time when the Main Spring was under revision in 1837.
The spring bears the name of a mineral water merchant who made the first filling here.
Photo credit: http://www.borsecinfo.ro/
- Borsec