Summer riding camps at Táltos

Summer riding camps at Táltos

2024 - The year of adrenaline  |  Camp


28/A Sânpaul 537188, Harghita, Romania

Dates and Hours:


We look forward to seeing you again, if you've been here before, or if we haven't met yet: now's your chance.
Bring your best friend, your classmate for a great summer camp!

Horseback riding, swimming pool, water day, karaoke night, bacon roast, cooking together, archery, team games, curiosities, horse quiz.
In our previous camps the children could also learn about first aid, our vet, farriers, various horse-related activities.

At the end of our camps, parents can watch their skillful little riders during a horse show and hear stories about the past week's events.

  • 1-5 July: camp for 9-12 years old
  • 15-19 July: camp for 6-8 years old
  • 12-16 August: beginners
  • 26-30 August: mixed ages
  • 2-6 September: advanced
Let's meet you this year!
More information:
  • +0748 680 211 - Rózsa
  • +0742 282 056 - Csaba
  • +0755 385 240 - Kriszta